Support us

Cubbin Theatre Company is the first of its kind in Aotearoa. We are pioneers of theatre for the very young in this country, and it is a rewarding and exciting journey!

Our theatre experiences are unique – making age-appropriate, engaging works specifically for children under five requires a huge amount of research and care. We are often people’s first experience of theatre and that is a precious responsibility. 

We need your help to continue our wondrous work.

Cubbin is a registered Charitable Trust.

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Support Regularly

If you are in a position to donate regularly, rest assured your contribution will make a difference. 

Your donation will contribute to Cubbin in many different ways including the staging of productions, researching new works, bringing Cubbin to more communities, and developing the skills of our theatre practitioners.

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One-off Donation

Every little bit helps!

If you love Cubbin and the work we do, here’s an opportunity to show your support through a one-off contribution.

Email Us

Spread the Word

The majority of people who come to see a Cubbin show hear about it from their friends. If you are passionate about creative experiences for children please spread the word. Tell your friends, family, colleagues and even complete strangers about our work! Share our social media posts and our website links, forward our e-news on, invite a friend to one of our shows. All of these options make a huge difference.

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